ISTQB Dumps, Exam Paper 23: ISEB ISTQB Foundation Software Testing

ISTQB Dumps For Software Testing -  Part 4

How would you define a good test?
A good test is one that can potentially find a fault in the system. If this test does not find a fault then it will give us a certain amount of confidence. Tests must also be efficient – we should not have tests which all do the same thing.

For example, a test should be able to run without dependencies. So running Test A shouldn't be hindered by Test B executions.  Also, if Test C contains a duplication of Test B it might not be necessary to Test it too.


  1. Just to expand on the answer. "A Good Test" will always have some minor faults. The important thing is there is no major faults which conflict with the operation set out in the requirements in the specification.


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