Emerging trends in Software Testing

Like all sectors, the IT sector is also growing by leaps and bounds due to the technological advancements that are occurring with each passing day.

With that the software testing landscape has faced evolution as well which has resulted in several new aspects to be considered. In fact, with time testing has become one of the mainstream activities in the life cycle of software development, playing a huge role in the entire process.

 With that, industry experts as well as analysts are predicting that the current year will be an extremely important year for this service. The mix of evolution of methods, high customer expectations, competitive pressure, etc. has resulted in the emergence of new trends. Here are some emerging trends that almost all good testers worth their salt are adopting this year.

Cloud-based evaluation- More and more mobile as well as software applications are relying on cloud. This has resulted in the need for facilitating cloud-based evaluation. Unlike the other environments which are expensive as well as difficult to build, this infrastructure offers a far more convenient solution. The maintenance is also easier. However, the performance as well as data security in the environment might have some challenges which may be solved very quickly.

Validating early life cycle- These days, companies are opting to identify as well as rectify defects in the earlier stage of the life cycle itself through predictive performance modelling, security testing based on risk, etc. This is the most-preferred method since it drastically reduces the cost but at the same time the attention on quality is increased.

Focusing on security- There are no doubts that for most companies security has always gotten a high priority. However, this priority is getting more importance due to increased connectivity of devices and information which is providing more hacking opportunities. Thus, it is of no doubt that security is the central focus of attention.

The biggest trend of all remains cost optimization. The focus may be on to improve the testing, but the deeper focus is to achieve better efficiency so that cost optimization can be improved. In fact, this is the reason that many businesses are allocating more money as well as manpower to QA areas instead of the conventional functions. Test your applications by hiring testing services of an offshore software testing company that fits your budget and time.

Author: Ken Miller
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