
Showing posts from August, 2018

What is Entry and Exit Criteria in Software Testing?

As you pass from one phase of testing into the next, there is a need for control. For the purpose of this post, we will refer to the prior phase as the supplier and the current phase as the recipient. The supplier needs to retain control of their testing phase, until such time as it is deemed ready for release. The recipient needs to ensure that the testing performed by the supplier has achieved a sufficiently high standard as to be acceptable. The means of achieving this is referred to as Exit Criteria for the supplier and Entry Criteria for the recipient. These criteria are documented in the test plan and define the standards that should be achieved entering and exiting, the test phase described by the document. The criteria are set by the Test Manager or nominated delegate. They may take any form that the test manager deems necessary, although are more frequently based on defect volumes of certain severity and priority, along with test assets from the supplier. Consideration s