The Fundamentals of Software Testing - Part 1

What is The Fundamentals of Software Testing? - Part 1

“The Fundamentals of Software Testing” is the first module of the ISEB Software Testing Foundation course and examination syllabus. ISEB recommend that Software Testing Foundation students spend 20% of their study time on the Software Testing Fundamentals course section. “The Fundamentals of Software Testing” is also the title of the opening chapter in the official ISEB Software Testing manual.
Understanding the fundamentals of software testing is clearly crucial to achieving proficiency according to the ISEB software testing professional standards. But what, precisely, are these “fundamentals” of software testing, and what do you need to know in order to pass the ISEB Software Testing Foundation examination?
Why is testing necessary?
According to Peter Morgan (freelance testing practitioner and member of the ISEB Software Testing Accreditation and Examination panel), an unnecessarily high proportion of IT systems fail to fulfil expectations – or fail to work at all – because of insufficient software testing prior to release.
Software testing cannot guarantee against software problems or even failure, but it can minimise the risk of faults developing once the software is in use. In order to understand why software testing is necessary, it is important to consider the causes and impact of IT systems failure, and the crucial role that testing plays in Quality Assurance.
The ISEB Software Testing Foundation training-courses focus on five learning requirements:
  1. The potential impact of an IT systems failure;
  2. Causes/effects of software failure;
  3. Why testing is necessary;
  4. Testing versus Quality Assurance;
  5. Basic industry terminology.
What is testing?
Software Testing is a method of identifying faults in the product before it is released; this includes defects in the software code and its execution, as well as any potential gap between what the code is supposed to do and what it actually does.
The ISEB Software Testing Foundation exam requires students to:
  1. Know the basic objectives of testing;
  2. Understand how these testing objectives apply in the context of creating, using and supporting software (including the difference between testing and ‘debugging’, and the different uses of static testing and dynamic testing).
General testing principles
The ISEB Software Testing courses introduce students to 7 software testing principles:
  1. Testing can show that problems exist, but not that problems do not exist.
  2. Testing covers a limited range of sample situations, and is not comprehensive.
  3. The earlier a problem is found, the less it costs to fix.
  4. Defects will tend to cluster around specific areas (e.g. system complexity, or staff inexperience). These areas can be particularly targeted by testers.
  5. A set of tests, run repeatedly, will have diminishing effect.
  6. The type, design and focus of testing will vary according to the software tested.
  7. A test that does not reveal errors does not prove that the software is error-free.
Fundamental test process:
Software testing is not simply a case of reviewing documentation or running a software program to check for bugs. To ensure that the appropriate tests are operated effectively and return value on the invested resources, it is crucial that software testers carry out five basic activities, which the ISEB Software Testing guidance links to form a software testing process:
Test planning and control:
  1. Test planning defines what will be tested, how it will be tested, and who we will know when the testing is complete.
  2. Test control is an iterative activity that compares the progress against the plan, and adjusts the plan as required.
Test analysis and design:
  1. Test analysis considers the specific conditions to be tested, and how these test conditions are to be combined into test cases.
  2. Test design describes the expected outcome of the test, so that testers can easily recognise when a fault has occurred.
Test implementation and execution:
  1. Execution represents the most visible testing activity, and encompasses setting up the tests, generating test data, logging test activities and analysing the test results.

Author: Projectmanuk


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